A perfect alliance ideal to compliment the cigar flavours. The Martell Cohiba cognac is composed exclusively of Grande Champagne eaux-de-vie.
Cognac 700 ml bottle
“Ideal for cigar lovers, Cohiba is one of the only two cognacs in the range to be composed exclusively of pure Grande Champagne. Its overtones of dried flowers compliment the tobacco flavours particularly well.”
Amber with golden highlights and hints of mahogany.
Mellow notes of berries, dried fruit, toasted almonds, hazelnuts, roasted coffee beans, subtle floral aromas and a touch of liquorice.
A rounded, smooth and sweet attack. A touch of liquorice with a slight nutty note in the finish.
Martell Cohiba is a unique composition of aged eaux-de-vie from the prestigious Grande Champagne terroir. This superb cognac yields complex and intense aromas, honouring its Cuban kinship with Cohiba cigars. The perfect alliance of expertise that bears the seal of excellence.
The strength and richness of Martell Cohiba is perfectly matched with a Cohiba cigar.
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